Period 4

Mitt Romney a former Massachussets Governor, has been profoundly recognized for his leadership achievements. He has gained the people trust by building strong organizations whether in buisnesses or the Olympics. His tough decision making skills has set him in a path towards success in the 2008 campaign election.
When it comes to the issue at matter: the war in Iraq, Romney has a clear opinion of how to handle the United States big crisis. "I agree with the President: Our strategy in Iraq must change. Our military mission, for the first time, must include securing the civilian population from violence and terror. It is impossible to defeat the insurgency without first providing security for the Iraqi people. Civilian security is the precondition for any political and economic reconstruction. " There is no doubt that Romney plans to keep this war going, however with modifications in which can bring about better results. "...I believe securing Iraqi civilians requires additional troops. I support adding five brigades in Baghdad and two regiments in Al-Anbar province. Success will require rapid deployment. " He really wants to pinpoint the places where our war tactics are failing and quickly instilling better ones. The war can't continue if there is no coal added to the fire that has been started by our current president. "The road ahead will be difficult but success is still possible in Iraq. I believe it is in America's national security interest to achieve it." While he may not technically have a clear plan for the war in Iraq, he does have ideas forming that he plans to execute. This war hasn't been an easy one (clearly we're still in it) , however the U.S government can no longer prolong a reform towards this war we are currently fighting. There has to be immediate change and Romney acknowledges this quite clearly.
Here are some other of Romney's outlooks on the war of Iraq:
Never, ever supported specific timetable for exit from Iraq. (Jan 2008)
Timetable for troop reduction ok; but not for withdrawal. (Jan 2008)
Supported timed withdrawal, but only by Iraqis and in secret. (Jan 2008)
Staying in Iraq protects lives of American citizens. (Dec 2007)
Let lawyers decide if authorization needed to attack Iran. (Oct 2007)
After surge, move to support phase, based in Kuwait. (Sep 2007)
Deal with Iran nukes with Dems at home & with allies abroad. (Sep 2007)
Slow progress vs. frightening consequences of withdrawal. (Aug 2007)
It's time for people of America to show a surge of support. (Aug 2007)
Keep option to attack Al Qaeda in Pakistan, but don't say it. (Aug 2007)
Right to invade Iraq, but not what came after. (Jun 2007)
FactCheck: Saddam didn't refuse UN inspectors prior to war. (Jun 2007)
Iraq part of global jihadist effort to bring down the West. (May 2007)
Don't decide policy by polls; don't leave Iraq precipitously. (May 2007)
Osama bin Laden will die for the outrage he has exacted. (May 2007)
Withdrawal from Iraq would be a mistake. (Dec 2006)
Bush gave inadequate rationale for Iraq war. (Nov 2006)
You attack US and we respond; but use nonmilitary too. (Jan 2006)
Supported the surge; never supported a timed withdrawal. (Jan 2006)
3 Different Positions of the war in Iraq:
While most of U.S. citizens debate that the war in Iraq has served us no beneficiary results, there is one positive outcome of it. Whether or not the lives of the many soldiers in which have been lost is worth it, we still have oil to burn in our cars! How many cars do we typically see rolling in our streets? Yes, oil has become quite the expensive utility in which we all cosume on a daily basis, we still use it. Life without gas would mean a complete demise of the American way of life. "It is doubtful that there is any facet of our technological civilization which will not be affected by the diminishing production of oil and natural gas." If we were to withdraw from this war who knows where our people would fall.
We have lost so many soldiers in this war: it's mind-boggling. "We wanted to make a connection to the young men and women soldiers who have given their lives in Iraq, many of whom, at the time they died, were close in age to a large number of Hilbert students. In a way, the quilt puts a face with what's happening in Iraq." The soldiers who have come back have been clearly psychologically perturbed. They do not come back as the people that people once knew. This war has cost the United States a numerous amount of benjamins that they cannot afford to treat them for psychological help. Soldiers return to a different state of mind and struggle to assimilate back to the life they left behind. The only thing they know how to do do is kill. How are they supposed to survive?
There is no doubt that there are divorces taking place in the United States. " War's toll on marriage: study proves war veterans have higher divorce rate..." Can anyone really imagine the deception that most families that have a family member or loved one enrolled in the military that have been shipped off to Iraq, coming back and having a perfect/normal life with their family? That is definately just a fantasy because in most cases, when men and women come back from their time in the war, they find their spouses with a new love. It is quite hard to maintain a family and be fighting a war in some distant place, away from home. It is a topic that the governement should consider. This war has many affects, yet since their children aren't the ones fighting in this war, these emotional cries are never heard.
Works Cited:
Blankenship,Janie. "War's Toll on Marriage." 1 Mar. 2003. VFW Magazine. 6 Feb. 2008 <>.
Gasoline and Diesel Fuel." Energy Information Administration. 1997. 7 Feb. 2008
"War in Iraq." CNN.Com. 2005. 7 Feb. 2008
Madden, Kevin. "Mitt Romney on Iraq." Mitt Romney. 10 Jan. 2007. 7 Feb. 2008
Lightman, David. "Mitt Romney Drops Out of GOP Race." Mc Clathy Washington. Feb. 2008. 7 Feb. 2008
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