Senator John Edwards has a unique view on Iraq and the Iraq War. First and foremost if he is to be elected president he plans to end the war outright by immediately withdrawing 40,000 to 50,000 troops. He wants to have total removal of all troops within twelve to eighteen months. He would then cap the funding for troops. His reasoning for such quick removal of troops is this,” I [Edwards] believe it is a betrayal not to speak out against the escalation of the war our nation is engaged in today, in Iraq. It is a betrayal for this President to send more troops into harm's way when we know it will not succeed in bringing stability to the region.” Edward’s view is that by withdrawing from Iraq, Iraq will be forced to take responsibility for their own country and bring about reconciliation between the Shiites and Sonnies. “He believes that the only solution to the situation in Iraq is a political solution, which requires all the parties in Iraq to take responsibility for the future of their country. By leaving Iraq, the Iraqi people, regional powers, and the entire international community will be forced to engage in the search for a political solution that will end the sectarian violence and create a stable Iraq. Escalating the war sends exactly the wrong signal to the Iraqi people, regional powers and the world.” (Source A) He believes we “can not stay there forever policing a civil war” and that the “peace and stability of the country is dependent upon them”. (Source B) After he has removed all the troops from Iraq he still wishes to keep an American presence to contain the conflict and stop instability in the areas of Kuwait, Afghanistan, and the Persian Gulf, although he would ban any permanent United State’s military bases in Iraq. He would ensure that all troops sent to keep the American presence in those area would first be combat ready and he would ban funding to deploy any new troops to Iraq that do not meet readiness standard.
Senator Edwards also has a strong view on the role the Bush administration played on the Iraq war; “The core of this presidency [George W. Bush] has been a political doctrine that George Bush calls the 'Global War on Terror.' He has used this doctrine like a sledgehammer to justify the worst abuses and biggest mistakes of his administration... The war on terror is a slogan designed only for politics, not a strategy to make America safe. It's a bumper sticker, not a plan. It has damaged our alliances and weakened our standing in the world... The 'war' metaphor has also failed because it exaggerates the role of only one instrument of American power--the military... we must move beyond the idea of a war on terror.”(Source C) Some people, such as journalist Peter Wehner’s, view of this statement is a little different, “The global war on terror is not a "political doctrine" advanced by the Bush Administration or a bumper sticker slogan. Rather, it refers to an epic struggle we are engaged in against Islamic jihadists. These jihadists -- years before George W. Bush became president and years before Operation Iraqi Freedom -- publicly announced, through their fat was, that they were at war against us.”(Source C) Wehner goes on to criticize Edwards for being hypocritical since, in 2002 Edwards voted in favor of the war. Wehner made his opposing view apparent in his article entitled, “Edwards' View is Wrong - and Dangerous”. Not all believe Edwards view is wrong or even dangerous, journalist Patrick Fergusson, endorses Edwards’s view of the Iraq war and the Bush administration’s role in the war. Fergusson writes in his article, “An official endorsement: John Edwards” that, Edwards is the most worthy candidate because, “Edwards has gone on record and apologized for voting in favor of the Iraq war, and is the only one of the top three Democrat candidates to publicly denounce Bush's recent request for more funds for the Iraq War.” (Source D) Edwards made a public apology for his original thoughts on the Iraq war, “I was wrong...The argument for going to war with Iraq was based on intelligence that we now know was inaccurate. The information the American people were hearing from the president -- and that I was being given by our intelligence community -- wasn't the whole story. Had I known this at the time, I never would have voted for this war.”(Source E)
Going along with Senator Edwards plan for Iraq he also wishes to increase diplomatic efforts between the conflicting nations after the withdrawal of troops. He wishes to directly communicate with nations in question, which is something he is extremely critical of the Bush Administration for never doing. In all Edward’s brings forth many unique views on all the different aspects of Iraq and the Iraq war.
Source A: Sanam . "Opposed to Troop Increase ." Edwards: Military and War 8-9-07 February
Source B: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2Lo3dBHlfc
Source C: Wehner, Peter. "Edwards' View is Wrong- and Dangerous ." Clear Politics May 24, 2007 February 7, 2008
Source D: Fergusson, Patrick. "An Official endorsement: John Edwards." November 11, 2007 February 7, 2008
Source E: Bosman, Jenny. "Edwards Talks About his War Vote." The Caucas December 29, 2007 February 7, 2008
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