It is noted and understood in today’s society that Iran is developing nuclear weapons, supplying weapons to Al-Qaeda, and is suspected of instituting a training ground for the Al-Qaeda army. All of these can contribute to the threatened emotions of Americans. Senator John McCain makes it a point that he understands the major nuclear developments in Iran today. He feels the problem lies in the “human intelligence” (Source A) of America. McCain feels there is a specific weakness in the ability for undercover agents to “swim into society” (Source A) and collect information regarding Iran’s plans. McCain also points out how America does not have the best reputation with this, exclaiming, “We’ve had a history of not having the greatest intelligence capability”. (Source A) This explanation alludes to the past Cold War era failures. McCain is concerned with the fact that the Iranians are sponsoring terrorist organizations sending “dangerous lethal explosive devices to Iraq”. (Source A)
To a large extent, McCain feels it is America’s obligation to step in to intervene with Iran’s aiding of Iraq. He reflects on his views by stating how Iran has helped “the most extreme and violent Shia militias, providing them with training, weapons, and technology that they have used to kill American troops”. (Source B)
A rather witty side of McCain was evident while he was campaigning in South Carolina. He was asked about how he would deal with Iran if elected president. His response began by singing the Beach Boys’ song “Barbara Ann” but replaced the lyrics with “Bomb Iran”. (See the video link below) With this joke came both pros and cons regarding the responses from critics. When asked about how he would respond to the negative reactions, he simply said, “please, I was talking to some of my old veteran friends…My response is, lighten up and get a life.” (Source C)
Link to "Bomb Iran" Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAzBxFaio1I&feature=related
To avoid further criticism to his joke, McCain immediately changed his tone with more serious responses to questions concerning Iran. MSNBC noted how he displayed his view by siding with Bush explaining the importance of Israel’s protection from Iran. Why would it be important to protect Israel? America preaches equal rights wants to create peace. For the past three and a half decades, Israel and the United States have been on good terms from an ally standpoint. Israel has been able to control many radical movements as well as taking into consideration the major weapon/nuclear development and Syria alliance kept in order. (Source D) McCain feels it is important not to remove the military (for keeping peace) and how they will only be used in any case as a “last resort”. (Source C)
How will McCain deal with the Iran concerns? Primarily, McCain discusses the worries for the progression of a stronger bond between Iran and Iraq. He feels there are a few solutions on breaking this growing alliance by getting ahead while he can. First off, McCain overall displays his position in which Iran should just change their course of behavior. Rather than continuing their aid to Iraq, they should stop getting involved with the terrorism issues. As easy as this sounds, McCain also goes on to further explain how to change the minds of radical terrorists, understanding that this is not an over-night process. In a nutshell, he feels the most important approach as to doing this is by applying pressure from the American military. McCain goes on to push his views in making a crystal clear explanation to Iran that it is “our determination to protect our focus on Iraq and to deter Iranian intervention in that country.” (Source B) Military action is a major focus for McCain’s position on Iran. All in all, Senator John McCain is mainly concerned with the Iran and Iraq alliance dealing with nuclear weapons, ground for training, and the supply of weapons; all of which can be avoided if pressure is heavily set for the breaking of their bond.
Works Cited
Source A: Dalla, Sareena. "McCain talks Iran." 07-12-2007 http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2007/12/04/mccain-talks-iran/.
Source B: McCain, John. "Strategy for Victory in Iraq." (2008) http://www.johnmccain.com/Informing/Issues/FDEB03A7-30B0-4ECE-8E34-4C7EA83F11D8.htm.
Source C: Keeney, Alice. "McCain to critics of his Iran joke: Get a life." The Associated Press 20-04-2007 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18201844/.
Source D: Zunes , Stephen. "Why the U.S. supports Israel." FPIF (2002) http://www.fpif.org/papers/usisrael.html.
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