“The biggest problem with the American health care system is that it costs too much, and the way inflationary pressures are actually built into it. Businesses and families pay more and more every year to get what they often consider to be inadequate attention or poor care. And those who want to buy insurance are often unable to because of the high cost. What more compelling evidence of the problem do we need than to note that General Motors now spends more for health care of its employees and retirees than for the material required to manufacture its products - steel. The price of every GM car includes over $1500 for health care costs compared to Toyota whose total cost for healthcare per car is about $200… The "solution," my friends, isn't a one-size-fits-all-big government takeover of health care.”

John McCain believes that health care should be available to everyone in the United States. Under McCain’s proposed new plan people would have greater control over their health care; in hopes that it will cause more competitive prices amongst health companies. Also, informing the public of all possible health care services that could be provided to them. Unlike many over the proposals from the other candidates he does not call for universal health care because, “We do not believe in coercion and the use of state power to mandate care, coverage or costs." Greater accessibility to health care in areas were it was previously limited will be provided. He hopes to import cheaper drugs to keep up the competition. Reducing the amount of pointless lawsuits and getting boatloads of cash will keep more money in the pockets of the taxpayers.
Along with these plans McCain will offer a $2,500 tax credit to individuals and $5,000 for families. McCain’s ideas would foster affordability of health for all families with ability to “purchase health insurance nationwide, across state lines, to maximize their choices, and heighten competition for their business that will eliminate excess overhead, administrative, and excessive compensation costs from the system.” With this and the ability to receive health care from whomever one chooses many service providers will forced to bring their prices down which will allow people to get health care at a lower price. “John McCain Believes in Personal Responsibility”, words take straight from McCain website; and who doesn’t? People must take initiative when it comes to their health and that of their children.
While McCain’s plan offers cheaper drugs the U.S. cannot guarantee the safety of said drugs; do to the fact that they come from other countries. “McCain aides did not provide estimates about how much this proposal would cost or how many of the 45 million Americans who currently do not have insurance would find it more affordable under this proposal.” This statement does not offer confidence in his plan especially with the dismal condition that economy is currently in, and without having some idea of how the people who don’t have insurance, this plan could be tough to get off the ground. The tax credits may not be a good be a good for all Americans; mainly those that benefit from putting the health care that they receive from their employer as tax deduction.
“The growth of costs affects everyone: government overspending, business costs and family budgets. It hurts those who have insurance by making it more expensive to keep. And it hurts those who don't have insurance by making it even harder to attain.” This seems to be one of McCain’s goals, to make health care available to everyone and not issue a “one-size-fits-all” health plan. Cheaper meds will allow everyone easier access to medication without spending all the money from under the mattress. For veterans who seem to be swept under the rug after protecting the nation, McCain believes that “America's veterans have fought for our freedom. We should give them freedom to choose to carry their VA dollars to a provider that gives them the timely care at high quality and in the best location.” Medical health care for veterans is in issue that has long been neglected especially mental health after soldiers began returning to from the front with post-dramatic stress-disorder. Laurence Kotlikoff(economics professor at Boston University) said he would give McCain’s health plan “’…a B or B-plus on this’ — better than the grades he said he would give to McCain's GOP rivals.”
Bacon , Perry Jr., “ McCain's Health Care Proposal”, Oct. 10, 2007 <http://blog.washingtonpost.com/the-trail/2007/10/10/post_132.html>
The Associated Press, “Candidates on the Issues”,Feb. 4 2008 <http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/us/AP-Where-They-Stand.html?pagewanted=1&_r=2&sq=mccain-%20health&st=nyt&scp=1>
“McCain unveils health care plan”, 2007 < http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/election2008/2007-10-11-mccain-health-care_N.htm>
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