"I believe that, having waged a war that has unleashed daily carnage and uncertainty in Iraq, we have to manage our exit in a responsible way - with the hope of leaving a stable foundation for the future, but at the very least taking care not to plunge the country into an even deeper and, perhaps, irreparable crisis." Barack Obama, a 2008 presidental candidate is opposed to the War in Iraq and claims that he will start to withdraw American troops from Iraq if he is elected president.
Although he is opposed to the war, Obama makes a point that Iraq needs help with reconstruction, but also that they need to help themselves and get involved."We have to get more Iraqis involved with the reconstruction efforts. After all, it is the Iraqis who best know their country and have the greatest stake in restoring basic services."
"I believe that U.S. forces are still a part of the solution in Iraq." Here, Obama faces a difficult delima in addressing the War in Iraq.
"The Administration tells us there can not be reconstruction without security, but many Iraqis make the opposite argument. They say Iraq will never be secure until there is reconstruction and citizens see that a better future awaits them.
The Administration also tells us that they are making progress, but can not publicize the specific successes out of security concerns.
If we are unable to point out the progress, how are Iraqis - especially ones we are trying to persuade to claim a bigger stake in the future of their country - ever to know that the Americans efforts are helping to make their lives better? How does this approach help to quell the insurgency?" From this, America can gather that Obama is addressing what may be termed as a "lose- lose situatoin"
On the one hand he wants troops to be pulled out of Iraq, on the other he admits that Iraq is in serious need of help and wants to prevent a civil war from wreaking havoc in Iraq. His solution to this obsticle is to slowly withdraw our soldiers. "First and foremost, after the December 15 elections and during the course of next year, we need to focus our attention on how reduce the U.S. military footprint in Iraq. Notice that I say "reduce," and not "fully withdraw." **http://obama.senate.gov/speech/051122-moving_forward/**
Barack Obama shows a steady opinion in each speech, but readers and listeners have found flaws in the consistancy in different speeches on the same topic. "Obama is opposed to a complete withdrawal: “We should leave behind only a minimal over-the-horizon military force in the region to protect American personnel and facilities, continue training Iraqi security forces, and root out al Qaeda.” Yet Obama wants to “make clear that we seek no permanent bases in Iraq.”
Another issue that Obama must face is being scrutinized by the people, which obviously happens when one runs to president. The candidate has said that he was not for the war in the first place, then he stated that he believes the troops should not all come home at once, he has also been said to have played the blame game when it comes to topics on Iraq. These actions have been considered "wishy-washy" and Obama has been labled by some as a "people pleaser". "CHICAGO, Nov. 22 -- Sen. Barack Obama said President Bush should admit mistakes in waging the Iraq war and reduce the number of troops stationed there in the next year."
Obama seems to be a man that will say what he thinks is necessary in order to win presidency. He uses appeal to all people. Those for and those against the war. The video posted below shows Obama discussing what how he wants to stop the war.*http://www.barackobama.com/issues/iraq/*
***Works cited***
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