In most candidates’ campaigns, education is an important factor, on which politicians take a side. During the 2008 campaign, Mitt Romney aims to raise the bar on education by putting many of the existing laws through reforms that will strengthen our country.
“If the child’s work is good, then the teacher will be payed more.” Romney goes for the faith of the people, by advocating better programs for the schools with higher testing scores and rewarding the teachers with higher pays. He is going to promote innovative approaches like charter schools and public-private partnerships, which he believes will help further the country when it is in trouble with its education. Romney also added the incentive of the pay as to keep teachers who are more likely to quit in areas with high dropouts -such as Detroit- back in their jobs.
Romney believes that "we [the people] should ensure that our kids get the education they need to excel in the jobs of the 21st century." He aims to accomplish this by expanding the fields of math and science, because these subjects form part of the most competitive jobs in today's society. Romney believes that the future of America rests in the hands of the young and its parents.
When Romney campaigned for Senate in 1994, he voiced the choice of getting the Department of education out. Now, with experience as a governor, Romney has seen the difference that the Department of Education, along with the No Child Left Behind policy, can make in the education of America's youth. With the No Child left Behind policy, Romney aims to further it by continuing with the policy, but adding a few changes to it as well. Instead of just focusing on the greater aspects of the school, he aims to focus the state's attention to each individual. Romney believes the NCLB "has helped to move us [country] in the right direction."
Although Romney is an avid Mormon, Romney believes that schools should not teach religion or endorse prayer in school. Schools should instead teach the importance of economy and family values. Without the morale of the kids and understanding of family values instilled in the youth of America, Romney believes that the country, as a whole, will start its downward spiral into oblivion.
"If we are going to compete in the global economy, we have to set our education goals higher." Romney wants to have the people in the country understand that education helps them because that is what will get them higher up economically. Romney aims to kill two birds with one stone by pushing the standards of education and what is expected to come out of it higher.
“Unequal educational opportunity is the civil rights issue of our time." Romney aims to establish better foundations in society and make all of the issues know about education. He believes that a country with no education is bound to fail, and he aims to make education his number one priority.
“…yes, we want more money of course ... but we also want changes in the way our schools are managed. We want our principals to have the ability to manage their schools." Romney wants the teachers and the principals of the schools involved in every aspect of the children and their lives. He wants to know that if the teachers are paid more money, they will not abandon their jobs and instead keep educating the children into what he wants, which is higher education rights for all children.
Though Romney may believe himself to be well- educated about all aspects of the youth’s learning abilities, he highly underestimates the real education of the youth of America.
“I'd like to have local school boards recognize that they need to be concentrating of course on English, math and science, but also some of the cultural elements that make us a society of creative individuals." Romney aims to have the Art and Music programs, that many schools are being forced to take out of curriculums now, instilled into the standards of high-schools. To be a part of society, Romney believes that we need to have more culture in our [country} lives, and that is brought about through art and music.
“…put our kids first here.” Romney believes that in education, the people of America should have the faith and rights of the children before they turn to aspects of politics or themselves. He believes that in today’s society, people are very much conceited and tend to think about issues that deal with only themselves and not about the future of America.
Romney believed in the control of schools being local, such as districts instead of state, and in public education, the federal role should be limited. He believes in this because it is what makes schools much more personable with the people of the state.
In Romney’s educated opinion, he believes that in making the standards of education that much higher, he will improve the future of global economy. Romney also believes that in his best interests, schools will have a much higher testing score after he is elected and he has put forth his laws on education.
Source A- http://www.ontheissues.org/Mitt_Romney.htm
Source B
- http://blog.mlive.com/taking_notes/2008/01/mitt_romney.html
Source C
- http://www.mittromney.com/Issue-Watch/Education
Source D
- http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20316299/
Source E
- http://www.ontheissues.org/2008/Mitt_Romney_Education.htm
Source F
- http://projects.washingtonpost.com/2008-presidential-candidates/issues/candidates/mitt-romney/#education
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