"I'm asking you to believe. Not just in my ability to bring about real change in Washington...I'm asking you to believe in yours." A candidate always present to us new changes that they think about doing. Barack Obama, presented to us a new change in one of America's most important issues...health. This is one great issues which influences all individuals equally. For us to select a candidate and show favoritism towards one we must know what their view on health is.
“We now face an opportunity — and an obligation — to turn the page on the failed politics of yesterday's health care debates… My plan begins by covering every American. If you already have health insurance, the only thing that will change for you under this plan is the amount of money you will spend on premiums. That will be less. If you are one of the 45 million Americans who don't have health insurance, you will have it after this plan becomes law. No one will be turned away because of a preexisting condition or illness.”— Barack Obama, Speech in Iowa City, IA, May 29, 2007
At a Glance
Obama offered all individuals the opportunity to have a better health care. By this he wrote what he called his, “Health Plan.” In which Obama, overviews, America’s insurance policy for those individuals in need of it. To find a way in which he could lower down the cost for those who are in real need of insurance. He believes that everyone should have the right to medical insurance, and that money should not be a problem. In his plan he clearly states the title of a section to be, “Millions of Americans are uninsured or underinsured because of rising medical costs.” Under this, it’s is said that millions of Americans are lack medical insurance and along with them so do children. Also Obama will increase the number of costs that the U.S. makes, on public health care and on preventing many common and vital diseases. Also, like Obama stated, the only big difference for those who already have insurance will be lowering the cost they spent on premiums. This for possibly all individuals will be a good change. “If you are one of the 45 million Americans who don't have health insurance, you will have it after this plan becomes law. No one will be turned away because of a preexisting condition or illness.” There will be no signs of discrimination towards any individual according to Obama. So another promise of Obama kept within his argument is equality.
“So Mr. Obama would instead require companies to deduct money automatically from their employees’ paychecks and place it in a savings account the employee owned. Employees could opt out of the program.. But if they did nothing, they would end up saving money. It’s an idea that comes directly from academic research showing that savings rates have jumped when individual companies have adopted such plans.”
Mr. Obama believes that by deducting money out of an employees check it would help serve them in the future. That would probably help the economy. By doing this many individuals save money, that in the future or present, they can use in case of an emergency. That in this case could be health wise. Also, he stated that there will be a mandatory coverage for all children. So, if employees wish to be taken out of this program they will have the right to do so. In their case though, no money would be saved in their savings account, unless they wish otherwise. By deciding to get out of that program, they would lose the opportunity to have more money in the future.
“Senator Obama’s ideas, on the other hand, draw heavily on behavioral economics, a left-leaning academic movement that has challenged traditional neoclassical economics over the last few decades. Behavioral economists consider an abiding faith in rationality to be wishful thinking. To Mr. Obama, a simpler program — one less likely to confuse people — is often a smarter program.”
Often this is true, but that does not mean that just because we as individuals do not understand a program it will not be a smarter program. This all depends of course on how it all goes through. For one thing I’m sure many have not yet read Obama’s health care plan, but it may turn out to be effective as many say it can. Or it may turn otherwise and maybe not work as well as it should have done. Hilary Clinton for one opposes Obama, not just as a candidate but on his health care plan. “By choosing to forgo a mandate, it’s not universal,” said Neera Tanden, Clinton’s policy director.
“It will leave 15 million Americans uninsured. Even with a generous subsidy, millions of Americans will not get health insurance.”
“As a result of biomedical research the prevention, early detection and treatment of diseases such as cancer and heart disease is better today than any other time in history. Barack Obama has consistently supported funding for the national institutes of health and the national science foundation. Obama strongly supports investments in biomedical research, as well as medical education and training in health-related fields, because it provides the foundation for new therapies and diagnostics. Obama has been a champion of research in cancer, mental health, health disparities, global health, women and children's health, and veterans' health. As president, Obama will strengthen funding for biomedical research, and better improve the efficiency of that research by improving coordination both within government and across government/private/non-profit partnerships. An Obama administration will ensure that we translate scientific progress into improved approaches to disease prevention, early detection and therapy that is available for all Americans.”
It’s good to know that one of our candidates is very experienced in health. But that may just plant a seed of thought in many people’s head. As to what if he’s not prepared to take on other important roles in this economy. It’s true that Obama does promise us about a new health care plan, but who are we to say that this health plan of his won’t fail…
“There are 40 million people across the planet infected with HIV/AIDS. As president, Obama will continue to be a global leader in the fight against AIDS. Obama believes in working across party lines to combat this epidemic and recently joined Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) at a large California evangelical church to promote greater investment in the global AIDS battle.”
The fight that Mr. Obama wishes to conclude in his fight for AIDS is a possibly a positive image towards him. This would be a good way of winning the people’s vote towards himself. This is because AIDS has always been one of America’s greatest health problems. By that I mean that many people for many years have suffered from sexually transmitted diseases without any means of support. A new health plan could probably strengthen America’s individuals even more.
Important Websites Used For Quotes: http://www.scribd.com/doc/191297/Barack-Obama-08-Health-Plan-Overview
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