Period 3
Hillary Clinton’s position on gay rights is that they should not be allowed to marry but she “supports civil unions between members of the same sex.” (Hillary Clinton) She also believes that gays and lesbians should have equal rights in adopting children. Her position on abortion is pro-choice; she believes that a woman who wants to have an abortion should have that right to perform said action because she should have the most control over her life.
When talking about gay marriage, Clinton says that she is not opposed to gay marriage as much as she sees civil unions as a more positive thing. “I believe marriage is not just a bond, but a sacred bond between a man & a woman.” (Hillary Clinton) She believes that gay people can have civil unions but a marriage should only be between a man and a woman. “Well, I prefer to think of it as being very positive about civil unions.” (Hillary Clinton) Although she does not approve gay marriage, she does support an individual state having jurisdiction over it. “I've also been a very strong supporter of letting the states maintain their jurisdiction over marriage.” Clinton supports gay people in every way except marriage. “Fitness to serve in the military should be based on one’s conduct, not one’s sexual orientation.” She supports any gay person that is in the army because she thinks that it simply does not matter. There is no difference between a gay man and a straight man on the field of battle. “I remember when I was running for the Senate as first lady marching in the gay pride parade in New York City .” Clinton ’s support of gay people in general is astounding; she actually marched with gay people in a parade for the support of gays. She is obviously dedicated to support for gays and to give them all their rights except marriage. Some people believe that Clinton does not do enough for gay rights. “Some gay and lesbian voters don't feel like Hillary Clinton has done enough to support gay and lesbian rights.” Some gay people may believe this because she does not approve of gay marriage, but she fights for civil unions, adoption rights, and most other rights that any gay person would dream of.
On the subject of abortion, Clinton believes that any woman should be able to make the choice of whether or not she wants to have the baby. "I have never met anyone who is pro-abortion. Being pro-choice is not being pro-abortion. Being pro-choice is trusting the individual to make the right decision for herself and her family, and not entrusting the decision to anyone wearing the authority of government in any regard." Clinton is stating that a woman can be in a situation that when a baby may potentially be able to ruin her life. For example, a twenty-year-old woman with no spouse or boyfriend, with a minimal financial income and college to take care of may not want a baby; even with a boyfriend a baby would make the situation more difficult. "We can all recognize that abortion in many ways represents a sad, even tragic choice to many, many women." Clinton knows that abortion is a tough process to go through for any woman who wants or needs it; she also knows that many women are completely against it because it is basically killing a person that is helpless. If abortion were illegal though, many other women would be faced with a difficult situation. “One reason I continue to oppose efforts to criminalize abortion is that I do not believe any government should have the power to dictate, through law or police action, a woman's most personal decision.” Clinton does not believe any person except the woman with the potential child should be allowed to make a decision on whether or not she would prefer to keep the child, which is why she is pro-choice instead of against abortion. Clinton is against abortion to only a certain extent, she does not support a late-term abortion. “I have said many times that I can support a ban on late-term abortions, including partial-birth abortions.” (Hillary Clinton) She cannot support late-term abortions because they are especially dangerous for the mother; a woman’s life, health, and potential to have any children would be at stake. Clinton has been fighting for a “plan B” which has to do with contraceptives. These will be able to prevent a pregnancy after unprotected sex. The women will not have to choose whether they want to abort or not. “Nobody likes abortion but it is important that it remains legal.” (Hillary Clinton) Abortion may not be a good process and a woman may have to do it because she was irresponsible, but she should have the right because she should be able to have the most control over her own life.
Sites Used:
"Civil Rights." 7 Feb 2008
"Gay rights ." 7 Feb 2008
"Hilary Clinton on Abortion ." 7 Feb 2008
"Hilary Clinton on Abortion ." 7 Feb 2008
" 7 Feb 2008
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