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Obama and Defense
National security and defense are two of the most important issues to Americans who vote. According to a recent MSNBC article, in a recent debate Barack Obama “gave the impression that he doesn’t have a particularly good handle on defense” (Source A) This could prove faulty in his presidential campaign and “his candidacy will not survive unless he develops a coherent view on things that are important to voters, especially national security” (Source D).
Although Obama’s defense plan may not be clear, he still has one. Obama looks to work internationally to cease production of weapons of mass destruction. He has a plan to protect our country from these weapons of mass destruction and future terrorist attacks. Obama knows the terrorists target large cities because around these cities are large chemical plants that may produce excess nuclear material. To protect these facilities, Obama will require them to “enhance security, improve barriers, containment, mitigation, safety training, and offer safer technology” (Source F). In the case of defending ourselves over seas, he believes that new materials need to be sent to the soldiers and we must replace “outmoded and outdated equipment and weaponry with new, modern weapons, supplies, and methods” (Source C). His primary goal is to end the war in Iraq, but until that happens, the troops need to be supplied with new materials.
An article written at www.associatedcontent.com explained that Obama plans “to increase defense spending and to increase the size of the military by over 65,000 officers” (Source B). A similar statement was said in a article written by Robert Kagan in the Washington Post. He starts off by discussing Obama’s plans to create a new “realism” (Source E). One of Obama’s ideas is to “build societies with ‘a strong legislature, an independent judiciary, the rule of law, a vibrant civil society, a free press, and an honest police force’” (Source E). Obama wants to increase defense spending, add 65,000 troops to the army, and recruit 27,000 more marines, all to fight terrorism. He wants the American military to always stay on the offense to ensure we have the best military in the world. Also, to ensure we have the strongest states, they must be provided with “’what they need to reduce poverty, build healthy and educated communities, develop markets, . . . generate wealth . . . fight terrorism . . . halt the proliferation of deadly weapons’” (Source E).
So far, Kagan agrees with Obama’s ideas, but when it comes to the topic of when our military forces will be used, Kagan can hardly agree. Obama stated that we will use our military forces if our “’vital interests’” are “’imminently threatened’” (Source E) Kagan argues that Obama’s statement would not ease the minds of Americans because how will Obama ever know if our “’vital interests’” are imminently threatened’”? Obama may either release troops too early or too late depending on his views of the situation and, according to Kagan, this would not put our minds at ease. Obama also talks about “’rogue nations’, ‘hostile dictators’, muscular alliances, and maintaining a ‘strong nuclear deterrent’” (Source E). Kagan does not believe this is the realism Obama originally talked about creating.
In conclusion, Obama’s main defense plan for the US is to protect ourselves the best we can from terrorists attacks by protecting our cities. He also wants to protect our troops over seas by updating all their weaponry and supplies. Obama’s main goal is to protect our nation in the best and most efficient ways possible.
Source A:
"Defense." Barack Obama US Senetor for Illinois February 6, 2008
Source B:
Bonkoo, Tombari. "Barack Obama Advocates a Stronger and Smarter Defense Plan for 21st Century." Associated Content July 11, 2007 1-2. February 6, 2008
Source C:
Moss, Mary. "Barack Obama's Foreign Policy Platform." Assocaited Content July 26, 2007 1-2. February 6, 2008
Source D:
Jacobs, Jack. "Does Barack Obama Have a View on Defense?." MSNBC April 29, 2007 1. February 6, 2008
Source E:
Kagan, Robert. "Obama the Interventionist." Washington Post April 29, 2007 1. February 6, 2008
Source F:
"Homeland Security." Obama '08 1. February 6, 2008
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