"America needs a president with the strength and experience to end this war. I will be that president. Our brave men and women who wear the uniform of our country deserve nothing less. As a senator and as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, I have had the privilege of meeting with many veterans in Iraq, here in Iowa and across America."Hillary Clinton is against the war in Iraq and believes there's no longer any reason for keeping the troops in Iraq. "Our message to the President is clear: it is time to begin ending this war. Not next year, not next month, but today. We have heard for years that as the Iraqis stand up, our troops will stand down. Every year we hear about how next year, they may start coming home. Now we are hearing a new version of that very familiar song from the President. He claims that we can, with slight adjustments, stay the course." Hillary Clinton promises that if she becomes president, within 60 days of making it into office she'll start bringing back the troops home. Another part of her plan is to keep Americas interests in Iraq protected. Clinton also believes that "They helped the citizens of Iraq organize elections -- and vote for new leaders. They gave the Iraqi government the space and time to act -- if they chose to do so. ". In her opinion the United States has done everything possible to help Iraq and now it's up to them to make change. "But over the past four years, the situation in Iraq has dramatically deteriorated. The mission today is more about policing a civil war than building a democracy. " Clinton is oppossed to keeping the troops in Iraq because she realizes that the only thing the military is doing is causing a civil war and is not helping Iraq become a democratic country. Her plan is to help convince neighboring countries not to become involved in the civil war, another part is to get copromises made with groups within Iraq. Though Hillary Clinton at one time was not opposed to the War in Iraq she now is."If I had been President in October of 2002, I would have never asked for authority to divert our attention from Afghanistan to Iraq, and I certainly would never have started this war."— On the Senate Floor Feb. 7, 2007.
Hillary Clinton opposes the war in Iraq but not many people have forgotten that she had voted for it. "Her refusal - her inability - to simply confess poor judgment says to me that her vote was politically motivated. In that, she was not alone." In an article from the New York Daily news the writer writes about how her opinion on the War in Iraq is "politically motivated". To some it seems that Hillary Clinton is saying what the people want to hear. On the other hand, having been the wife of president Clinton she has a bit more experience with what presidency holds. Yet some may say that, thats still does not qualify her as being experienced enough to become president.
"Clinton's is the more responsible position in that it leaves open the possibility of adjusting as events dictate. But her plan is still flawed. Whatever the wisdom of going to war in the first place, attempting to schedule an end to Americas's role without regard to the facts on the ground is foolhardy. The dangers of getting sucked back in under worse conditions or destabilizing the region because of precipitous withdrawal are simply too great." Some aren't so readily accepting Hillary's promise of withdrawing troops because they see flaws in her plan. It's not just Hillary's plan that has flaws, the other candidates as well have flaws in their plan of withdrawing troops from Iraq. Though Hillary Clinton has promised to start withdrawing troops within sixty days of being in office she has not set a deadline of when all the troops will be back in the U.S.A. or so the writer says. But one must put into consideration that the U.S. goverment can't just pull out the troops from Iraq all at once, because it may 'cause more problems. "The mission today is more about policing a civil war than building a democracy. "
"Trying to withdraw is not something you snap your fingers and tell people, do it tomorrow. It has to be done in a thoughtful, orderly, careful way that defends our troops on these routes they're going to have to take to get men and equipment out of Iraq."— In an interview with New York Times, March 15, 2007. Contrary to what others might think, Hillary does understamd that her goal of having the troops back in the U.S. by 2013 will take hard work and won't be easy. Hillary Clinton also understamds that America has some interests in Iraq that must be protected therefore there might be small troops left in Iraq. Some may oppose Hillary's plan but there are also some individuals that believe in her plan such as a former Pentagon official who "argued that such an approach would minimize American casualties and thus make it easier politically to sustain a long-term military presence that might prevent the fighting from spreading throughout the region." Tere is no right or wrong answer of wether Hilalry Clinton is right or wrong but she does have a plan that may or may not work in helping the American troops come back home.
- Cohen, Richard."Hillary's baggage is just too heavy for this voter to carry".2008.New York Daily News. 5 Feb. 2008 <http://www.nydailynews.com/opinions/columnists/cohen/>
- "For Democrats, it has to be Hil: The Daily News endorses Hillary Clinton".2008. New York Daily News. 4 Feb. 2008 <http://www.nydailynews.com/opinions/2008/02/02/2008-0202_for_democrats_it_has_to_be_hil_the_daily.html?page=0>
- Clinton, Hillary. " IRAQ: Speech at the Temple for the Performing Arts in Des Moines".10 July. 2007. Hillary Clinton for President. 4 Feb. 2008 <http://www.hillaryclinton.com/news/speech/view/?id=2366>
- Gordon, Michael R. "Clinton Says Some G.I.’s in Iraq Would Remain". 15 March,2007. New York Times. 7 Feb. 2008 <http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/15/washington/15clinton.html?_r=1&oref=slogin>
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