“People around the globe are more connected to each other than ever before. Information and money flow more quickly than ever. Goods and services produced in one part of the world are increasingly available in all parts of the world. International travel is more frequent. International communication is commonplace. This phenomenon has been titled ‘globalization.’” http://usforeignpolicy.about.com/od/trade/a/whatisgz.htm
Former Republican governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney, has a positive view on globalization and thinks that it can be achieved by many ways. “Mitt Romney defends globalization’s record of improving living standards, but cannot resist drawing an applause line by adding that the government should negotiate better with other countries to make sure ‘the American worker gets a fair shake.’” Romney thinks that globalization can succeed in the United States by providing better and good jobs for American citizens, good schools for kids, good health care for everyone, and have policies that promote the growth of this nation. Romney believes that America should be prepared to compete with countries that are growing quickly economically and technologically such as China and the rest of Asia. He says that Asians are “a family oriented, educated, hard-working, and mercantile people…” and that is why Asia is advancing and growing quickly and Americans should be able to compete with such countries and hold their ground. “We cannot afford to fall behind as China and others cut deals that hurt American exports and jobs. There are already over three hundred agreements in the world that do not include the United States and place U.S. exports at a disadvantage.” He believes that children should be well educated to compete in this new market in the future; trade laws between different countries are fair and balanced; and that the economy and tax laws of the United States are welcoming for new investment. Romney thinks that if America acts wisely, economy in the United States will grow because the trade and commerce with new and powerful economies can further strengthen and guarantee a growth in this nation’s economic status.
"We have to keep our markets open or we go the way of Russia and the Soviet Union, which is a collapse. And I recognize there are some people who will argue for protectionism because the short-term benefits sound pretty good, but long term you kill your economy, you kill the future. What you have to do in order to compete on a global basis long term is invest in education, invest in technology, reform our immigration laws to bring in more of the brains from around the world, eliminate the waste in our government. We have to use a lot less oil. These are the kinds of features you have to invest in, you have to change in order to make ourselves competitive long term." http://www.mittromney.com/Issue-Watch/Competing_with_Asia
Romney believes that economic strength comes from people and not Washington. This meaning that American people are the ones who can make a difference in the United States economy with hard work and effort and not Washington, who according to Romney spends too much money. “We can have a level playing field around the world, get ourselves off of foreign oil, reduce the excessive spending in Washington, and have a bright future for our kids. This is based upon the strength of the American people. If you want to see a strong America, you don’t look to Washington; you look to ways to strengthen the American people.” Romney believes that globalization is favorable for the United States because it will strengthen the economy, which will enrich this nation with money (dollars). http://www.ontheissues.org/governor/Mitt_Romney_Budget_+_Economy.htm
Even though many are for Mitt Romney and his positive view on globalization, there are also those who disagree with what Romney is trying to instill on this country and anti-globalization movements are being created as well. Two persons who strongly disagree with Romney are senators from the Democratic Party: Hillary Clinton (New York) and Barack Obama (Illinois). Both are against or, as many call it, on the left side of economics and trade. Both have voted against or oppose many free trade agreements such as: the Central American Free Trade Agreement, South Korean Free Trade Agreement and even the North American Free Trade Agreement, which belongs to this country. Also, Hillary Clinton does not support the Fast-Track Trade Authority because it limits congressional involvement in trade deals. "I don't want to give fast-track authority to this president. That includes things like real trade adjustment assistance and other support." Barack Obama wants the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) to be involved in trade negotiations because he says, "And the problem that we've had is, is that we've had corporate lobbyists, oftentimes involved in negotiating these trade agreements, but the AFL-CIO hasn't been involved; ordinary working people have not been involved." http://www.mittromney.com/News/Press-Releases/Romney_Vision_Trade
The believes and actions of these two presidential candidates are very strong and somewhat courageous because at one point they go against their country by disagreeing with the NAFTA; and one of them, Hillary Clinton, even went against her husband, Bill Clinton, because she opposes the NAFTA, while he approved of it during his presidential term.
Globalization, will it better America according to Mitt Romney or will it be disapproved by many citizens on the democratic side and by anti-globalization movements? One or the other, it will be seen!
*Watch "Mitt TV"* (videos)
***Works Cited:
· Porter, Keith. "Globalization: What Is It?." What Is Globalization - Finding a Definition of Globalization (2008) 04 February 2008
· "Trade and Prosperity." Trade and Prosperity - New York Times 23 December 2007 04 February 2008
· "Competing with Asia." Competing with Asia 04 February 2008
· "OPENING MARKETS FOR AMERICAN GOODS." The Romney Vision: Opening Markets for American Goods 24 October 2007 04 February 2008
· "Mitt Romney on Budget & Economy." Mitt Romney on Budget & Economy 12 December 2007 04 February 2008
• "Mitt Romney True Strength for America's Future." Mitt TV - Video from Mitt Romney for President 2008 (2007) 04 Feb 2008
• "Mitt Romney True Strength for America's Future." Mitt TV - Video from Mitt Romney for President 2008 (2007) 04 Feb 2008
• "Mitt Romney True Strength for America's Future." Mitt TV - Video from Mitt Romney for President 2008 (2007) 04 Feb 2008
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