Thursday, February 7, 2008

Edwards on Abortion and Gay Rights

The issues of gay marriage and abortion have always been highly controversial subjects. Governmental candidates for the past several decades have been plagued with questions concerning these topics, and the candidates of the 2008 presidential election are no exception. John Edwards’ views on these topics are especially interesting. Edwards morally objects to homosexuality as a whole and “personally struggles with the issue.” (Source A) However he thinks that gay or lesbian couples should be entitled to the same rights as any other couple. He supports civil unions that ensure gay couples equal rights that all married couples have.

Edwards firmly believes that gay couples should have partnership benefits equal to those of married couples. He “supports giving same-sex couples the same rights to adopt children as heterosexual couples.” (Source B) He also believes that same sex couples should have the ability to create a legal relationship with their children. However, Edwards continues to remain undecided on whether or not a piece of legislation should be passed that would allow homosexual couples to sponsor their partner for immigration into the United States. Edwards also thinks that those who are homosexual should not be discriminated against concerning military positions and have every right to join the army as anyone else. Overall, Edwards firmly supports the idea of equal rights for homosexual and heterosexual couples. Although he supports equal rights, Edwards just can’t seem to “get to gay marriage, and I haven't yet gotten across that bridge.” (Source A) He does believe that one day, gay marriage will be socially accepted in the United States, he just can’t pursue that currently. Edwards states that in the generation of his 20-year-old daughter, he believes “that this issue will completely disappear.” (Source A)

Edwards is completely against actually creating an amendment in the constitution to make gay marriage illegal. His opinion is not in support of legalizing gay marriage however, but because he believes that “it is for the states to decide” (Source B) and is not a national issue. He can be quoted as saying “I am against the president's constitutional amendment on gay marriage.” (Source B) In summary, Edwards has an open mind about homosexual couples and although he does not support same sex marriage, he firmly believes in granting them completely equal rights that heterosexual couples enjoy.

Another controversial subject that Edwards addresses in his campaign is the topic of abortion. It can be debated both ways that abortion is morally wrong and is considered murder, or that a woman has a right to decide how to treat her own body. Edwards is pro-choice, and believes in a woman’s right to choose. “The decision about whether to become a parent is one of the most important decisions that a woman can face. Edwards believes that she should make it with her family, her doctor and in the context of her religious and ethical values.” (Source C) He thinks that the government has no right to make that decision for a woman and that as it is her body, the choice should be hers. The government “should not make a health care decision for women.” (Source C) Although Edwards makes a very strong statement about abortion, he remains open to other opinions on the subject, and in this way is able to maintain a balance among his supporters and voters.

Edwards is fearful that with the election of a Republican candidate, women will lose this right and no longer have a choice concerning whether or not they become a parent. “The kind of people that will be appointed to the US Supreme Court by the next president will control whether a woman’s freedom, freedom to choose, make her own health care decisions will be made by her or will be made by the government or by some men sitting on the US Supreme Court.” (Source C) He believes that abortion is protected within the Constitution of the United States, and that the government has no right to take that away.

Along with his pro-choice views, Edwards also believes in expanding embryonic stem cell research. Some scientists think that by studying the umbilical cords of aborted fetuses, new medicines could be developed. He thinks that by using this form of research, new treatments for formerly incurable diseases could be found. This statement has been criticized however, and one republican said that Edwards’s statement “gave false hope that new treatments were imminent.” (Source D) Edwards’s reply to this remark was, “Yes, breakthrough research often takes time, but that's never been a reason to not even try -- until George Bush." (Source D) Many people harshly criticize Edwards for giving what they believe to be false hope to the seriously ill and think his hopeful statements to be cruel. Edwards’s views on both of these two topics are especially interesting and tend to reflect a large portion of America’s opinion as well.

Source A:

Foust, Michael. "Marriage Digest." Baptist Press. 5 Jan. 2008. .

Source B:

Belge, Kathy. "John Edwards." Lesbian Life. .

Source C:

Toplikar, Dave. "John Edwards on Abortion." Las Vegas Sun. .

Source D:

"Edwards Stem Cell." CNN. 12 Oct. 2004. .



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