Friday, February 8, 2008

Clinton on Education

Clinton has many has many different views for the different levels of education in America. She is also involved in a number of different educational programs throughout the country. Clintons is the most involved in the no child left behind act that started five years ago. Clinton believes that if the congress gave all the money that was promised to the schools then the No child left behind act will have more of and impact on the education of children. “It is crucial that we increase funding for No Child Left Behind to ensure that all children have access to critical programs that have proven records of improving children’s lives.” Clinton fully supports more funding for this program. She does not just support it she was heavily involved in getting the bill written and passed. She also states that the this act will help, “America’s children to move our education system forward so all children can successfully compete in our global economy." Clinton made this statement marking the fifth anniversary of passing the No Child Left behind Act. Clinton has worked for over 30 years to help raise awareness of the education standards in our nation’s schools. Hilary who is a member of the senate will put forth an effort to revitalize the No Child Left Behind Act and make important changes to it.

Clinton also speaks strongly on the importance of a Higher Education. She states that every extra year of schooling, “a person’s income by 5 to 15%”. She says that if this higher education were wider spread our countries economy would be better off. She feels that the more people are educated, the decision they make will help the countries development.
Elementary and Secondary education is also important in Clinton’s eyes. She says that when the bill was passed a promise was made with the government and the schools. She wants the children of America to have the best education possible because they will one day be competing for jobs on the international stage. She also is a huge supporter of the early child education, preschool. Clinton is a huge supporter of the Head Start program in New York, which allows for underprivileged children and their families a chance to be educated. Over 50,000 families in New York alone benefit from this program. It also has teaches the children valuable reading and writing skills that they will use for the rest of their life’s.
In 2000 Clinton was asked, “Why don’t you support vouchers for low-income parents?” Clinton responded with great decisiveness and said that she would never support anything if it meant talking money away from the schools of America. She also said that she supported trying to add 100,000 teachers to reduce class sizes in New York.
In 2005 Clinton voted yes on a 52 million dollar grant which would allow for more community learning centers. This bill also entitled that after school programs would have more money and teachers. She also voted yes for a bill that would grant the elementary schools with 5billion dollars. Half of the bill would go to grants and the other half would help to support education finance incentive grants. Clinton also voted yes for smaller class sizes, and more individual tutors for at risk students, all in part of her effort to prepare the youth of America that would be competing in one of the most demanding work places in the world, the United states of America.

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